The spring equinox officially begins at 5:24 p.m. EDT on Monday, March 20. It brings warmer weather, refreshing sunlight and the opportunity to witness a new start with our outdoor surroundings. So, why is spring important?
The word “equinox” comes from the Latin for “equal” and “night.” The event marks the astronomical start of a new season when the sun is positioned directly above the Earth’s equator, allowing an equal amount of daylight and darkness at all latitudes. Spring is the busiest time of year for honey bees. In the spring, bees stay busy foraging for nectar to create honey for their colony. One honeybee may visit about 100 flowers in a single foraging trip. The bee may make 10 to 15 foraging trips, visiting at least 1,000 flowers in one day. One bee can produce up to 1/12 of a teaspoon of honey in its lifetime. While honeybees are working hard in the springtime to create a wonderful superfood, they’re also pollinating the flora around us.
AuthorNicki Praiswater is co-founder and co-owner of Lone Star Bee Company alongside her life-partner, Mark Crippen. Together, they both enjoy beekeeping, traveling and eating great foods. Archives
September 2023